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Anya Sophia Mann is Founder and Editor of LifeCoachingMagazine.NET  She is a Visionary Intuitive Life Coach with over 30 years’ experience of supporting people through coaching, consulting and mentoring.

Website:  Contact: Anya@LifeCoachingMagazine.NET

Reviews on Amazon:

"The book is written with intelligence. This book should be taught in every medical school as a prerequisite for preparing doctors to keep people healthy. The 77 questions gives the reader a roadmap for focusing on a path to healthy living. I highly recommend this book. It is a must read."

"Chronic illness is frustrating and effects the whole family. Sometimes it can feel hopeless. But Dr. Finkelstein shows readers how to reexamine their health and find practical solutions by asking the 77 questions doctors, patients, and their families generally don't know to ask. This is a great book for health practitioners as well."

"This book can help u find ways to improve your health a great read! I have found it helpful and I read a lot of self help books."