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Submission Guidelines


If you would like to be considered for publication in Life Coaching Magazine:

  1. 1) Read a few sections in LCM first so you get a feel for the magazine, especially Everyday Life Coaching (in particular the Guest Coach section)  "Pets Are People Too", "Mind Body Spirit" and "Can I Talk To You?".


  1. 2)Write from a heart-centered place, sharing your own experience, insights and personal shifts rather than writing as 'an expert'. Write in the ‘first-person’ and include at least one example from your own experience that illustrates the point you are making, and clearly showing a personal shift. We receive many articles from coaches which we don't publish because often they give general advice and miss out their own process which we feel is very important. (This is the number one reason why otherwise well-written articles don’t get chosen for publication in LCM)

  1. 3)In the first instance send a 450 word article in MS Word format to 

  1. 4)Send a completed article so we get a sense of how you write. Please don’t send us ideas for articles you haven’t written yet.

  1. 5)We will contact you if your article is a good match with LCM’s vision of “people supporting people in human interest matters” AND is well written, in a warm, personal, heart-centered style. All accepted articles are thoughtfully edited in keeping with the tone of the magazine. Longer articles may be considered from regular contributors.

  1. 6)To support LCM we ask that you place a link to your article on LCM from your own website and share the link on your social networks and email lists.

We cannot respond to every submission individually, so if you don’t hear from us within 21 days it means your article in it’s current form doesn’t quite fit.


What to do if you don’t hear from us:

Go back to LCM and compare your article with some of the others there.

How does yours compare in terms of clarity, simplicity, flow and heart-centeredness?

Did you write in the first person?

Did you share your own experience, insights, and give an example of a personal shift?

Tweak your article, maybe have a friend proof-read it, and re-submit it!