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The authors have created an action checklist for managers to assist them in identifying this type of behavior, and generated supportive suggestions for employees on how to handle a situation if one is a victim of (or a witness to) bullying behavior. 

Creating awareness is the first step in changing behavior.

Most of us are aware that harassment can take place at work, at home, and in the school yard but are probably unaware of the full extent of this behavior in a large, busy organization such as the National Health Service (NHS).  Bullying is difficult to define, but is essentially defined as “the aggressive behavior arising from the deliberate intent to cause physical or psychological distress to others”*.   This behavior leads to ill health of employees, psychological distress, and addictive behaviors to name a few, which breaks down the continuity of care and good relationships that are enhanced by team working.

The authors’ intention for writing this book was to shed light on the bullying behavior found in the midwifery profession and to initiate a culture of change in the NHS.  Numerous interviews, case studies and documented incidences are cited in the book demonstrating this behavior not only exists in the midwifery profession but also in many other workplace settings. 

In order for change to occur, management must develop an awareness of bullying and take steps to address both the potential and existing problems it can cause.  The good news is that through books like this people are becoming more aware of the problem and possible solutions to bullying in the workplace. LCM

The Bullying Culture” by Ruth Hadikin and Muriel O’Driscoll is published by Elsevier Health Sciences and is available on

*Author’s Note: There are many definitions of bullying. This one from Peter Randall  was the most appropriate at the time for the purposes of this book.

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"Their book is illustrated with harrowing case studies but their findings and advice apply throughout the NHS and other organizations."

"Crucially, very clear advice about how bullying cultures can be changed for the better is imparted. All NHS staff should read this book. It would be relevant for other businesses too."

"Useful and comprehensive exploration of bullying in the workplace"

"...this provides a valuable addition to the midwifery literature and is important reading for health and related professionals, nursing, midwifery and health visiting students and those involved in management and education in health care."

“a definitive text to read for all those aspiring to or within management, and of interest to workers, in any industry. The information on the causes and effects of bullying practices is written in a very general style and provides a useful broad view of the issues involved, citing some of the psychological theory relating to the bully and the victim.”