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Pets Are People Too

Animals communicate with their own language-energy. They come to this earth already tuned to a very high vibrational level. Once humans have also raised their vibration to the same frequency, they can “see” and “communicate” effectively with these beings on an intuitive level.

Carol’s work with your pet not only sheds light on the current situation but can provide a unique coaching approach to support you in understanding, listening and learning from your pet on a daily basis.  Additionally, pet nutrition provides alternatives for your pet's health and healing.  Carol is able to connection with your pet and relay a message to you. This intuitive knowledge sheds light on the situation  so that you can choose the best approach. The connection with your pet can be made with a recent photo, or through you as you communicate with Carol.

Pets bring us back home to ourselves. They offer wisdom, clarity, and joy in every moment.  As you begin connecting more closely with your pet, you will find your life shifting in ways you never imagined. You will also find that you begin connecting with your true authentic self which, in turn, provides a foundation for having a closer bond with your pet.

General Questions

Bring any questions about your pets physical and psychological welfare or behavior. Animals think in pictures, and Carol deciphers those pictures and images to sense whether your pet is sick or sad, and much more. Carol's Holistic Nutritional knowledge combined with her intuitive edge senses and attunes to your pet's system and recommends the perfect unique combination of nutritional products and herbal supplements to suit your pet's physical needs and temperament. No question is off-topic. As you begin connecting more closely, you will find your relationship with your pet shifting in ways you never imagined.

30 minute session     $60

Email Reading (with picture)

This form of a session with Carol allows a deeper, broader, connection reinforced by the two or three (back and forth) email communications. Seeing the picture allows Carol to access even more fully, information to support your questions. More often than not, your pet has information they want to communicate to you but can't and they really appreciate the opportunity when Carol enters their world! In this session you too can learn some unique tips, tools, and techniques for connecting with your pet.

(approx one hour)   $120

Euthanasia / Lost Pet Situation

During those times of tough decisions of whether or not to put your pet to sleep, which can be heart wrenching, a Pet Intuitive can psychically connect to the pet and all concerned for choosing the 'right' time. When pets are lost an intuitive can tap in, sense the animals state, and possible clues to their whereabouts. 

Complementary: email Carol@LifeCoachingMagazine.NET with details