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“If you wonder 'who you are' and ponder 'your life's purpose' learning the transformational energetics of your personal Soul Astrology will give you the freedom of having precise answers you can recognize in your own embodiment and expression.

Living your life with this meaningful information will bring a passion to your life to evolve your own consciousness. Realizing it is the reason you were born at the time you were, and is the reason  you attract the people, places and situations in your life

that you do.”

~ Anya Sophia Mann,

LCM Founder and Editor

Key Points:

  1. Continuing our Soul's journey through the 12 Zodiac signs, after the synthesis of spirit and matter in Virgo, the Light in Libra comes to rest.

  2. Libra's deeper spiritual purpose is to initiate a shift in awareness, so we perceive right relationship at increasingly higher octaves of consciousness.

  3. The planets play a vital role in the conditioning of our Soul and three sacred planets have an important relationship with Libra: Venus, Uranus and Saturn.

  4. Venus brings an experience of love, sensitizing the individual to the principle of right relationship through the law of harmonics.

  5. Uranus brings expanded consciousness through ‘quantum-leaping’ shifts in perception.

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Following the journey of the Soul through the 12 signs of the Zodiac, after the synthesis of spirit and matter in Virgo, the Light in Libra comes to rest. However it is not a peaceful rest, not yet. It is resting in the knowledge of what is to come. It is in Libra that the battleground becomes apparent, in readiness for the battle which must ensue in Scorpio. Esoterically it is said we do battle in two signs: Leo and Scorpio. In Leo we battle for our individuality, in Scorpio we battle for our Soul. In Libra, we prepare by becoming more aware of the duality. We finally recognize the relationship between polarities. In our awareness of the separation between the opposites: self and other, yin and yang, personality and Soul, in Libra we see what needs to be done, to restore right relationship, and resolve the duality. The final resolution happens in Scorpio. What happens in Libra, is an expansion of perception, awareness, and an important shift in consciousness.

Libra has three planetary rulers or ‘space-holders’, which are important for understanding the deeper mysteries of this important sign. Venus is the ‘ruler’ at personality level, Uranus is the ruler at Soul level and Saturn is the ruler at hierarchical level. For the purposes of this article we are only looking at the personality and Soul rulers, Venus and Uranus, since the Hierarchical level is Cosmic in nature and beyond our capacity for comprehension at our current level of consciousness. Having said that, we can see that having the “Lord of Karma” Saturn, as ruler at this Hierarchical level hints at the significance of Libra for the resolution of karma, the evolution of humanity, and humanity’s role in the karmic balancing of our Earth home and her ecosystem.

It is also worth noting that, esoterically, all three planetary ‘rulers’ of Libra are considered to be sacred planets. Air signs are all about Mastery of the Mind, and Cardinal energy is all about carving out new pathways, so as the Cardinal Air sign we can only begin to imagine the deep significance of Libra’s sacred role in the evolution of consciousness.

Venus brings the energy of magnetic attraction. Initially this is animal magnetism, and at the personality level she awakens desire and passion within the individual, which lays the foundation for experiences of Love. We see this Venusian influence expressed as sensuality at personality level in Taurus and as a pathway through Higher Mind to Higher Love at Soul level in Gemini. Now in Libra, as a result of the preparation in Virgo, the individual is able to conceive of Higher Love and harmony at the personality level, bring this down to Earth (thanks to Virgo) and express this into the outer world through the personality. This is done through right relationship between Self and other.

Harmony is our way of knowing when components within a system are in right relationship to one another. Think of an orchestra tuning up, before playing a symphony. During the tune-up each instrument is just making it’s own sound with no regard for the other instruments. The result is just noise. We wouldn’t call it music because it isn’t harmonious. When we hear music, harmony is present. There is ‘right’ relationship between the notes. When each note is played in right relationship to the others, harmony is the result.

The whole field of ethics is dedicated to the study of ‘right’ decision making. How do we know when we have made a ‘right’ decision? Right decisions are those which are in alignment with Divine Law. They lead to greater harmony because they are in right relationship with the whole of existence. Wrong decisions are those which are out of step, out of tune, and bring disharmony. There is a lack of regard for, or relationship with, the other components within the system. The Libra personality, often unfairly, has a reputation for being indecisive, yet we can see that it is actually the process of decision-making which concerns Libra greatly. It is important that Libra understands how to arrive at the ‘right’ decision, so that we can increasingly move towards greater harmony.

In this context we can see that sometimes man-made ‘laws’ can actually be disharmonious. So when we say Libra is associated with law, we are speaking of the Divine Laws of attraction, right relationship, harmony and natural law. These are not laws like man-made laws, but rather natural principles, like the law of gravity, which guide the whole of existence. Harmony itself is a natural, balancing, principle. In “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey, The Tibetan explains that the sign of Libra is greatly concerned with the themes of law, sex and money. Sex and money are more often associated with Scorpio in mundane Astrology, yet it is actually through the sign of Libra where imbalances and abuses of power in these areas can be brought to balance, through right relationship.

To make progress on our spiritual path, we need a degree of stability in our ordinary life. If we have a chaotic life where we are constantly in turmoil meeting our daily needs, we will have no inclination to pursue a spiritual path. The action of Venus in Libra plays a vital role in balancing and stabilizing our mundane ‘ordinary’ lives, ensuring we live simply, in alignment with natural law, so that our energy is free for transformation, and our Being is open and receptive to our spiritual development. The action of Venus in Libra harmonizes, balances and stabilizes our personality, and thereby our mundane world. When the light in Libra has ‘come to rest’ we are then open to receiving the subtle energy of Uranus, which transforms consciousness.

Uranus is the energy of rebellion. Not rebellion for the sake of trouble-making, but rebellion because it is necessary to evolve and align with Divine Law. In Greek mythology Uranus is the Sky, vastness, space. The primordial Being from which all other beings arise. He is the Father of the Gods who begat all the Gods on Mount Olympus and their rivals the Titans. Primordial consciousness. Uranus is a planet of transformation who has the power to transform consciousness in particular. When we have been touched by Uranus our lives are never the same. There is no going back.

"He who has penetrated to the limits of thought,

dares to take the leap into the Great Emptiness,

the primordial ground of his own boundless being."

- Lama Anagarika Govinda

Sometimes in mundane Astrology, Uranus is referred to as a revolutionary, but it is important to make a distinction between a rebel and a revolutionary, if we are to fully understand the spiritual purpose of this rebellious energy of Uranus and His ability to transform consciousness. A succinct explanation of this distinction comes from the Indian mystic OSHO who says:

“The rebel … brings into the world a change of consciousness – and if the consciousness changes, then the structure of the society is bound to follow it … No revolution has yet succeeded in changing man; but it seems man is not aware of the fact. He still goes on thinking in terms of revolution, of changing society, of changing the government, of changing the bureaucracy, of changing laws, political systems. Feudalism, capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism – they are all in their own way revolutionary. They all have failed, and failed utterly, because man has remained the same … The rebel is a spiritual phenomenon. His approach is absolutely individual. His vision is that if we want to change the society, we have to change the individual.”


The revolutionary has the same  consciousness as the society in which he arose. He may overthrow a dictator and then himself become the new dictator. He is just the other side of the same coin. There has been a change in name, but not a change of consciousness. The energy of Uranus is not revolutionary, it is rebellion. It transforms consciousness. The rebel brings inner change: a change of consciousness within the individual. The rebellion is not ‘against’ anything but, like a flower blossoming, is a natural unfoldment into the next stage of evolution.  Where Uranus is concerned, it can be a complete quantum leap that bears no resemblance to what has gone before.

Once Venus has done her job of opening the heart, then the individual is open to receive the touch of Uranus – to allow inspiration to move them and break free from the limitations of the lower mind. Venus initially brings desire, attraction, animal magnetism. Through the experiences of Venus the individual experiences the beginnings of love, but this lower consciousness love has a price: it comes with conditions. There is a possessiveness to it. Once Venus has softened the heart, Uranus is able to bring in expansiveness. The expansiveness of space, of Being, and the individual is never the same again. They are made ‘anew’. Passion can now make a quantum leap into Higher Love and then further again, into limitless compassion.

“Love is Higher Thought about someone”

– Anya Sophia Mann, Visionary Intuitive

We are evolving from instinct, through intellect, to intuition. In this process Venus initially opens our hearts and minds, opening us up to shift from instinct to intellect. Then Uranus catapults us from intellect to intuition. Uranus brings inspiration, clarity, intuition and vast, clear space. Boundless Sky untouched by clouds.  Initiating, catalyzing the evolution from intellect to intuition. Unexpected, because how can we know what to expect from a level of consciousness which we have not yet experienced? Under the influence of Uranus, without the limitation of intellect, Libra is capable of quantum-leaping through ‘octaves’ of Higher Mind to Higher Love.

"Reason, the highest property of the intellect,

is what guides purposive thought.

Purposes, however, are limited;

and therefore reason can operate only in what is limited.

Wisdom alone can accept and intuitively realize the unlimited,

the timeless and the infinite, by renouncing explanations

and by recognizing the mystery,

which can only be felt, experienced, and finally realized in life

- and which can never be defined."

– Lama Anagarika Govinda

If you have Sun, Moon and especially Rising Sign in Libra, you are here to go beyond your own limitations and become an expression of Higher Love in the world. You will do this through right relationship between yourself and other. When you lean too far toward the Aries end of the spectrum, there is too much emphasis on self; When you lean too far toward the Libra end of the spectrum, there is too much emphasis on others. When you come to rest at the center, the balance-point, you are in perfect harmony; and this creates the window through which the energy of Uranus can enter to transform consciousness.  LCM

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Art: Libra, by Josephine Wall.

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